
Woorim is on the ocean side of Bribie Island, often referred to as the ‘surf side’, Woorim is surrounded by national parks and pristine beaches.

If you’re looking for a place to surf, fish or swim at a patrolled beach, welcome to Woorim Beach. This is the perfect place for families with its BBQ and picnic areas as well as a new playground and skate park nearby. As Woorim is a surf beach, the waters can get treacherous when the waves get bigger, just do your research before heading out.

Woorim has a small shopping center serving the local residents.

Surfing Safaris Close to Home

Woorim Ocean Beach is the closest surf beach north of Brisbane, making it a popular spot for those looking for that perfect wave. Surf Lifesavers advise that the area typically sees a low shore break that closes out in bigger surf. With Moreton Island protecting Bribie from southerly swells, waves average between .5 and 1m along this beach, but can be much larger.


30 meters of beach matting has been installed at the main beach entrance (Access Point 12), just north of the Bribie Island Surf Lifesaving Club. This matting provides access to the soft sand at Woorim Beach, just above the level of the highest astronomical tide. This length of matting has been installed on a permanent basis for the duration of this trial. Council is also trialing the installation of 10 meters of matting at the beach access point on Fifth Avenue.

Two beach wheelchairs are available for free hire through the Bribie Island Surf Lifesaving Club on weekends and public holidays for the duration of this trial.

To arrange to hire either of the beach wheelchairs, contact the Bribie Island Surf Lifesaving Club via phone (07) 3408 2141 or email bribiesc@bigpond.com.

What You Need to Know

Woorim Ocean Beach is located on North Street, Woorim. Driving on the beach requires both a 4WD and a permit HERE, and during peak seasons drivers are urged to take care on the beaches to avoid sunbathers.

Wildlife Along Woorim Surf Beach

Visitors to Woorim Surf Beach are often treated to a wide variety of wildlife. Bottlenosed and Australian humpback dolphins are frequently seen playing or feeding, and at times will come right into the surf to play. Whales are also seen on occasion during their annual June to October migration from Antarctica to Hervey Bay.

Visitors can also enjoy prolific bird life along Woorim Surf Beach. Walking north towards the first beacon, white bellied sea eagles and brahminy kites can frequently be seen soaring along the shoreline in search of their next meal.